Finding You by Lena Hendrix


After eight years in the Marines, I’m still looking for the mysterious woman I’ve obsessed over since her first letter. When she shows up in my small town, I’m thrilled. It turns out she’s my brother’s best friend–and the girl he’s always loved– now I’m caught between the two people who matter to me the most.

I’m a Marine which means honor and duty runs deep. Joanna is off-limits. That would be a whole lot easier if she hadn’t already agreed to helping run my brother’s fishing guide business for the summer, forcing me to work side-by-side with the woman I’ve fantasized about for years.

I can keep her at a distance, push her away, man up. But she draws me in without even trying and I can’t get enough of how she makes me feel. I’m stealing moments with her and I know it’s wrong. She may not be my brother’s girlfriend, but I know a landmine when I see one.

Does being an honorable man really mean I have to let her go?

Book: Finding You by Lena Hendrix
Published: May 26, 2021
Pages: 258
Genres: Romance, Military or Men In Uniform
Format: Kindle
Date Read: February 9-10, 2023
Rating: 3 Potatoes

I really liked the premise of this story and was looking forward to reading it so much but was very disappointed.

The characters had good chemistry and sizzling love scenes but that’s where it ended in my opinion. The characters were so in lust with how the other looked that we didn’t get to find out much about the characters themselves. They were very one dimensional and I felt like we didn’t get to know them at all.

The book was good in that it was fast paced and not boring at all but I wanted to learn more about these characters and why they liked each other so much, other than looks.

What little I knew about the characters, I enjoyed reading but I just feel like I wanted more from the story.

Make Me Yours (Bellamy Creek #2) by Melanie Harlow


He’s my brother’s best friend.

The hot single dad next door.

And one accidental sext later, my massive crush on him is no longer a secret.

It’s my own damn fault. I’m thirty years old, for heaven’s sake. I’m a kindergarten teacher and a (reasonably) responsible adult. I should know better than to get tipsy and draft a fake text listing all the dirty things I wish Officer Cole Mitchell would do to me.

I wasn’t supposed to hit send.

He wasn’t supposed to see it.

And he definitely wasn’t supposed to text back telling me to go on . . .

Because after that, things escalate quickly.

Cole is everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s sexy and protective. A devoted father to his little girl. A dedicated cop the whole town adores. The kind of guy you can trust to keep his hands to himself, even when you’re desperately hoping he won’t.

I’m not the girl he thought he’d end up with, but after all this time, I might finally get the chance to say the words I’ve always dreamed of . . . make me yours.

Book: Make Me Yours (Bellamy Creek #2) by Melanie Harlow
Published: November 23, 2020
Pages: 371
Genres: Romance, Heroine loves siblings best friend, Men in Uniform
Format: Kindle
Date Read: October 6-11, 2021
Rating: 3.5 Potatoes 🥔🥔🥔

I did not read the first book in this series but I’m always a sucker for books where the hero is friends with the heroine’s brother so I wanted to give it a try.

I’m still undecided on a true rating for this book. I liked it, I enjoyed reading it, but i felt it needed a little bit more. I enjoyed the characters and loved our hero and heroine but we needed to understand them better. I also would have liked there to be more realistic timeliness and not so much instant love/relationships and such.

All that being said, I truly did enjoy this book and it was a good read!

Making Chase (Chase Brothers 4) by Lauren Dane


Matt is an expert and the Chase is on. Tate doesn’t stand a chance.

Tate Murphy is a girl from the wrong side of the tracks. She grew up a million miles away from the easy life Matt Chase has had. She’s spent her life pulling herself and her siblings up and out of that trailer by the railroad tracks and she hasn’t looked back.

Matt Chase is a dream of a guy and she’s certainly not going to turn down a short fling with one of the most handsome men she’s ever seen! Matt Chase has watched each one of his brothers find love and he knows he’s ready for that too. It’s all a matter of finding the woman who captures his heart. He’s certainly sampled his fair share of them but none has moved him the way Tate Murphy does when he goes to her shop to thank her for some cookies and a thank you note.

But as Matt gets to know Tate and appreciate her strength and unique beauty, he also realizes she’s got some big self esteem issues about her past. To build a future, he’s got to find a way past some big road blocks.

Book: Making Chase (Chase Brothers 4) by Lauren Dane
Published: June 12th, 2007
Pages: 237
Genres: Military/Men In Uniform, Romance, Tattoos/Piercings
Format: Kindle
Date Read: April 2, 2010
Rating: 5 Potatoes 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

I loved this book so much! I love it when you can easily relate to a heroine! Tate was headstrong and independent! She didn’t want Matt to just come in and take care of her. She wanted to prove that could do it all on her own and still be with him! Tate’s only downfall was that she had very low self-esteem. But, what female on earth isn’t insecure with their body in some shape or form? Such a great heroine.

This series from start to finish was so amazing. I love it when authors continue to include all of the characters from each book as well as the town they live in. It’s nice when authors make a book only about a specific couple but these types of books are also great. We get to find out what’s going on with the previous couples and keep up with the wonderful Chase family. Simply wonderful!

Wild Card (Elite Ops 1) by Lora Leigh


It was supposed to be simple. All Navy SEAL Nathan Malone had to do was rescue three young girls from a Colombia drug cartel, then allow himself to be captured just long enough to draw out a government spy. That was before his mission went disastrously wrong…and before his wife, Bella, was told that Nathan was never coming home.

Bella’s mourned her husband’s death for three long years. But she has no idea he’s still alive. Forced to assume a new identity, the man Nathan was is now dead. If he can get back to his wife, can he keep the secret of who he really is…even as desire threatens to consume them? And as danger threatens to tear Bella from Nathan’s arms once more?

Book: Wild Card (Elite Ops 1) by Lora Leigh
Published: August 26th, 2008
Pages: 430
Genres: Romance, Erotica, Military/Men in Uniform
Format: Hardcover
Date Read: December 2009
Rating: 5 Potatoes 🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

I’ve read this book at least ten times – no lie. I even have it on Kindle and hardcover.

I love the characters – I absolutely love Nathan/Noah! Such a hot alpha male. I like Sabella too, she wasn’t the typical ‘poor me’ heroine. It’s nice to see a heroine who is smarter than the hero gives her credit for.

There are so many funny lines in this story that crack me up, and so many lines I just read and reread all over again.

This is one of my favorite books of all time so if you haven’t read it, check it out!